Monday, November 1, 2010

Fabricated: Prophet making Tawaf, Bedouin, and Jibreel coming down twice.

Classification: Fabricated.

While the Messenger salla Allah a`lyhee wa sallam was making Tawaf (circling) around ka`ba, he over heard a Bedouin saying: O Kareem (Gracious). The Prophet repeated after him O Kareem. The Bedouin went in the direction of the drain and said: O Kareem, the Prophet salla Allah a`lyhee wa sallam again repeated after him saying O Kareem. At this point, the Bedouin turned to the Prophet salla Allah a`lyhee wa sallam and said: O you who have a handsome illuminating face and graceful figure, are you mocking me because I am a Bedouin? Wallahi, if not for your handsome illuminating face and graceful figure, I would have complained about you to my beloved Mohamed salla Allah a`lyhee wa sallam. The Prophet salla Allah a`lyhee wa sallam smiled and said: O Arab brother don’t you know your Prophet? The Bedouin answered: no. Then the Prophet salla Allah a`lyhee wa sallam asked him: Then what is your faith in him? The Bedouin replied: I believed in his prophethood and I never saw him, I believed his message and I never met him. The Prophet said: O Bedouin, be informed that I am your Prophet in this Dunya (world) and one who will intercede for you in the Here After. Surprised was the Bedouin, he rushed forward to kiss the Prophet’s hand. The Prophet salla Allah a`lyhee wa sallam reacted saying: O Arab brother, don’t treat me like how the non-Arabs do to their kings. Allah May He be Glorified sent me not an arrogant nor tyrant but rather sent me with the truth, a bringer of glad tidings and a warner. At this moment, Angel Jibreel came down to the Messenger salla Allah a`lyhee wa sallam and told him: O Mohamed Assalam (Allah) conveys to you salam and gives you exclusively greetings and honor. Allah Wants you to tell the Bedouin not to depend much on our Graciousness and Patience, tomorrow We Shall Put him into account for what is minor and major, the Qitmir (the thin membrane over the date-stone) and Fateel. The Bedouin said: O Messenger of Allah will my Lord judge me? He said: yes, if He Wills. The Bedouin said: in the Name of His Majesty and Glory, if He puts me to judgment, I will put Him into judgment. The Prophet salla Allah a`lyhee wa sallam said: O Arab brother, for what shall you put your Lord to judgment?
The Bedouin replied: if He judges me for my sins, I shall judge Him for his Forgiveness, if He Judges me for my disobedience, I shall judge Him for His Pardon, if He Judges me for my stingyness, I shall judge Him for His Bountifulness. In response, the Prophet salla Allah a`lyhee wa sallam cried hard till his beard became wet. Again Jibreel came down to the Prophet salla Allah a`lyhee wa sallam and told him: O Mohamed, Assalam Conveys Salam to you and Tells you: O Mohamed, decrease from your crying, you made the (Angels) carriers of the throne pre occupied that they stopped their Tasbeeh (remembrance). Jibreel continued, and tell your Arab brother that he doesn’t judge us nor Shall We Judge him, he will be your companion in Jannah.

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